Tag: "race issues"
Racism and race-related issues have played a major role at American University since at least 2018.
- AU president complains about Supreme Court rulings…...laments loss of ability to use race in admissions while taking federal money..
- Sara Clarke Kaplan named executive director of AU’s Antiracist Research and Policy Center…Author of book that combines "Black literary and cultural studies with feminist and queer theory to read twentieth- and twenty-first-century texts and images alongside their pre-emancipation counterparts"...Package deal with partner Kirstie Dorr...
- “AU’s history of racism could possibly turn applicants away”…
- Student news outlet The Blackprint publishes call for white student “tuition strike”…
- AU-owned WAMU radio has race problems, too…
- SEPARATE THE RACES: American U to offer “Black affinity housing”…
- Racism and wellness checks at AU?…
- Former student body president Taylor Dumpson awarded $725,000 in lawsuit against neo-Nazi…
- Blackface at American University…
- American University and five other schools form “Diversity Alliance”…
- AU students desire exclusive space so they can be inclusive…
- Professors allege racial and gender discrimination…
- Summary of race-issue responses at American University…
- Founded 25 years after abolition of slavery, AU still trying to figure out how to claim ties to slavery to offer en vogue repentance…
- AU student media split over misprint…
- Instagram: Black at American University…
- Coronavirus takes a bite: Black-only dorm nixed in favor of black-only dorm floor…
- Another race incident at AU…President's memo...
- American University students protest treatment of fellow student Gianna Wheeler…List of demands...Original story: Online video of American University police carrying kicking and screaming student Gianna Wheeler from her apartment…
- Former American University student government prez Taylor Dumpson sues neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin for $1.8 million. . .Previous settlement requires apology from OTHER racist internet troll...
- Founded 27 years after abolition, American University nonetheless has a committee to study its “ties to slavery”…Read the report...
- Settlement requires anti-hate training for harasser of former AU student body prez Taylor Dumpson…
- Former AU student president sues white supremacist web publisher…
- Blacks-only course at American University…"Considering adding more affinity sections for different racial groups"...
- AU student newspaper columnist likens return of “predominantly affluent white students” to “invasive species”…
- With no sports, AU student-athletes focus on racism…
- Circular firing squad: AU College Democrats leadership team resigns en masse over lack of diversity in club leadership…
- Majority-black men’s basketball team comes out against racism…Women's soccer team: Me too...
- American University Sigma Alpha Mu boots member over offensive party…
- Online video of American University police carrying kicking and screaming student Gianna Wheeler from her apartment…The Twitter feed...
- Video of AU freshman Aise O’Neil using racial epithet spreads online…American University administration responds...Facebook frenzy...Students propose segregated housing in response...
- AU to train profs to not allow “white language supremacy” to affect their grading of students’ writing…No comment from AU...
- AU featured in Drudge Report link to article about spaces for students of color…(But we linked to the student newspaper story first...)
- AU investigation of alleged hate crime ends unsuccessfully…Student newspaper recaps “banana incident” and aftermath…